Writer: Gabrielle Allan, Jennifer Crittenden
Director: Mark Mylod
Logline: A woman looks back at the past twenty men she's had relationships with in her life and wonders if one of them might be her one true love. (Source IMDb)
Romantic Comedy, 106 min.
Bechdel Test: Passed all three tests.
I actually kind of like this movie. What's Your Number? is a romantic comedy about a woman, Ally, who tries to track down all her previous romantic partners to avoiding raising her "number".
One of the biggest failings of RomComs in recent years, is that they have to be bland to be relatable, and if the lead is female then she needs to take everything in her life super seriously. The saving grace here is that Anna Faris is such a talented comedian that she makes everything funnier and genuine. She's an actress who isn't afraid of finding the faults in a character and exploiting them for comedy.
The very important topic being tackled by this movie is how many sexual partners is too many? Ok, it doesn't actually discuss the topic in any critical or serious way, but it does present a good role model. There seems to be an intention of expressing that it doesn't matter how many sexual partners a man or a woman has had, that it doesn't imply something about their morals or characters it's just how people live their life. The conflict comes from the fact that Ally feels overwhelming social pressure, particularly from her girlfriends and family, to settle down and change her ways. There are some conflicting messages here, because the driving force in this movie is that she gets slut-shamed, and when (obvious spoiler) she settles down at the end it's to be with one person monogamously. The intention, I think, was meant to be more progressive and liberating. Ally is not troubled, or full of regret. She seems to have the same frustrations with relationships that we all have. Colin the "decent guy" says no one should care what someones "number" is, and that's the message they are trying to push. Sometimes it's like movies are made to be entertaining and fun and not to teach america a lesson about their judgements of women in society.

For all the ditzy dumb moments, I really love this movie. There's family and friends, there's drama, there's super sweet fantasy dates, it's a nice piece of feel good fluff. Sure, it might be predictable, and desperate for jokes, and probably should have been edited down, but this is a nice little romance film. There is something endearing about the vulnerability of friendship as opposed to just dating all the time. Instead of going to fancy restaurants, Ally and Colin visit the local Deli. Plus, you know you want to watch a movie that uses "He recognized my vagina!" as a major plot point.

Rating: All of Chris Evans arm muscles. All of them. Sigh.
IMDb - What's Your Number (6.0)
Wikipedia - What's Your Number
Rotten Tomatoes - What's Your Number (23%)
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