Writer: Michelle Morgan
Director: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
Logline: A failed New York playwright awkwardly navigates the transition from Next Big Thing to Last Year's News. (Source: IMDb)
Comedy, 103min.
Bechdel Test: Passed all 3 tests.
A movie like this with such universal bad reviews is going to be a bad movie. There's no getting around that. What surprised me when I watched this movie, however, is that it had potential. I presumed this would be a "talker" where everyone stands around and talks, and nothing exciting happens. Girl Most Likely suffers from the opposite problem. There are so many events, plenty of action for the characters, but they don't add up to anything. There is no plot.
There is a universal piece of screenwriting advice to not go easy on your protagonists. Writers become attached to their characters and don't want to seem them struggle, but it's far more beneficial to the story to make it difficult for them to achieve their goals. Girl Most Likely opens on a scene of young Imogene being an inconsiderate young diva, demanding the school production of The Wizard of Oz change it's ending to appeal to her undeveloped sense of logic. The writer was not exactly going easy on this character, was she? This is a case of the pendulum swinging too far. Imogene is given the worst character traits, with nothing redeeming. This character is so awful that she can't dig herself out of the hole she's in. In fact, Imogene doesn't even achieve her goals in this movie. She is too paralyzed to even try.

Portrayal of Women: The women in this movie are broken and have complicated relationships. They're not exactly role models, but they're not furniture either. There's not much to say about characters that don't develop. I think Kristen Wiig's natural charisma assists her characters likability, but no one is that memorable or relatable.
Sisterhood Moment: The savage 90's wardrobe. When Imogene has to stay at her Mom's house, she has no clothes with her so she spends the rest of the movie in amazing floral skirts and sundresses. It was supposed to be funny but it just made me jelly.
Rating: One sad teacher out of five Glee songs.
IMDB - Girl Most Likely (5.7)
Wikipedia - Girl Most Likely
Rotten Tomatoes - Girl Most Likely (20%)
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